the writer asked the people to comment on this article...it's simply asking which one of these 3 mayoral candidates will win on May 10....
there are positive and negative responses from different people...
Some are for Mike Defensor...some for Bistek and some for annie susano..
there are opinions....harsh opinions...nice opinions...neutral opinions...
but i'm wondering...
Where is Mel Mathay in this article?
How about the right of the QC people to give their thoughts about Mel Mathay?
He is also a mayoral candidate, right?
Is it an accident that he was left?
So for further info...
Mel mathay is also a candidate and he should be in this kind of Forum...
I'm not really for a certain candidate...
I'm just for fairness and just...
Equal exposure, so we can get equal opinion and equal results.right?
http://banderablogs.wordpress.com/2010/03/08/tapatan-herbert-bistek-bautista-annie-susano-at-mike-defensor/ -0-0-0-0---> check it out so we can share opinion and you'll understand what i am talking about.
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